Liberals and facts

Brian Southwell
2 min readNov 2, 2020

I posted the following on FB and one of my liberal “friends” only comment was “you and all the Trump supporters are the dumb ones”! No facts, no attempt to refute anything. Liberals and facts just don’t mix, easier to call someone a name than to actually THINK.

  • Lets blame Trump for our woes. We won’t talk about three years of investigations and an impeachment with “evidence” that the Democrats never produced? Why, because there is no evidence. Where is Adam Schiff’s irrefutable evidence he claimed? The only evidence they produced was the Steele document funded by guess who? HILLARY and written by an ex KGB agent. Wow, I guess we won’t investigate that. Nor will we talk about the Obama/Biden administration SPYING on a Presidential campaign. I would call that treason, which should be punishable by firing squad!
  • Pelosi and Biden both called Trump a misogynist when he banned travel to/from China. While Pelosi was trashing Trump she was celebrating the Chinese New Year in Chinatown with thousands of people. Now it’s Trumps fault.
  • Of course there is also no coverage on Governor Andrew “Mr. Death” Cuomo, who forced nursing homes to admit Covid patients. He wouldn’t use the mobile hospitals Trump set up, because he wouldn’t want to cooperate with a Republican! How many 100s of deaths is Mr. Death responsible for!
  • Hunter Biden selling access to his father. Paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by a Ukranian energy firm.
  • How about we talk about Joe Biden using billions of our tax dollars as leverage to have an investigation dropped by the Ukranian government. How about the Obama/Biden administration spying on a presidential campaign. Oh and let’s not forget the billions in cash that our wonderful Mr. Obama sent to the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran.
  • The Democrats won’t talk about a President Trump administration who is getting us out of wars in the Middle East after the last three (Clinton, Bush, and Obama) got us mired in. No new wars in this Presidency, and taxes down.
  • The unemployment rate for Black workers was the lowest ever recorded before the pandemic shutdown. The unemployment rate for all workers was the lowest ever recorded! I could go on, but most liberals just choose to call people names, it’s easier than thinking…
  • The only comment from my liberal “friend” was that “your the dumb one”!
  • Liberals and facts. The definition of an oxymoron!

